中大校徽以中國神話中之「鳳」為校徽,蓋自漢代以來,鳳即被視為「南方之鳥」,且素為高貴、美麗、忠耿及莊嚴之象 徵。以紫與金為校色,取意在紫色象徵熱誠與忠耿,金色象徵堅 毅與果敢。
我校應有的「熱誠」、「忠耿」、「堅毅」、「果敢」,全都失 落了嗎?
我們中大人的尊嚴何在?我們中大人的使命何在?我們中大人 的果敢正義何在?我們還可以為身為中大一份子而驕傲嗎?
人民不會忘記,中大人不會忘記 ── VIIV
香港中文大學收到中大學生會會長五月二十九日來函,申請將 「新民主女神像」及相關展品放置於中大校園內。大學輔導長與 學生會會長密切聯繫,了解申請的實際情況。
中大向來尊重言論自由,有責任維護所有大學成員享有表達不 同見解和持有不同立場的自由。大學的行政與計劃委員會以 不記名方式投票,一致決定重申大學必須堅守政治中立的原 則。如有行動或活動反映政治立場,而對大學政治中立的原 則有損者,大學不應涉及。鑑於上述的原則,行政與計劃委 員會不能接受學生會會長五月二十九日來函所提出的申請。 但大學了解到學生會正探討舉行相關活動,特委派大學輔導長與 學生會會長繼續聯繫溝通。
To: Council Members, Colleagues, Students and Alumni
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has received a letter from the President of Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSU) on 29 May 2010 for displaying publicly on campus a statue of the Goddess of Democracy and related art objects. The University Dean of Students has liaised with the President of CUSU to understand the details of the application.
The University respects freedom of expression but firmly believes that the University should always maintain political neutrality. It is the duty of the University to respect and defend the freedom of all members of the University to express different opinions and to hold different positions, and the University should not align itself with actions or activities which project a political position that would compromise the University's principle of political neutrality. The University's Administrative and Planning Committee by secret ballot resolved unanimously to re-affirm the principle of political neutrality and for this reason could not accede to the request. The University understands the CUSU is exploring to organize some related activities, and has asked the University Dean of Students to continue to liaise with the President of CUSU.
2 June 2010